Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Billions of tax dollars are spent towards governmental job pensions. Ridiculous amounts are given to higher governmental positions, and even more unnoticed ones. These jobs already provide enough income themselves to put anyone into early retirement. More of this money should be spent to benefit the country.

This topic will examine the everyday examples around us that most people do not see. It will show how much tax dollars are really spent on certain programs and how much of the money is really being put in our leaders' pockets.

Governmental pensions. Do we really need them?

How much of the taxpayers money be spent on more beneficial programs, instead of our leaders' wallets?

What possibilities are there to stop state budgets from going over, and for that spending to be put to better use than our government workers' wallets?

1 comment:

  1. Your topic on government pensions will work, but you are going to need to focus this idea much more before it pays off for you. You already have a bias here that you'll need to overcome before you can be successful with your project.
