Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Kristen McQueary David Greising

Nov 7, 2011

"State Pension Overhaul Caught in Limbo"


Maureen Hayden


"Pension problems serve as a 'Wake-up'"

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Knowing how much my father has hated politics all of his life, has always made me wonder why he hates it so much. Ironically he hates politics, but he loves to speak of the problems that occur within the government. I have been blessed with being able to grow up within high income family. Also, seeing how much of the current economic troubles this society is facing a lot of it has come down onto our family. It makes the higher income working class to work even harder everyday to maintain their status. I have noticed a lot more than most peers of my age would because of my position. Interestingly enough, my father is the only one who speaks of politics so i hear everything that is going on daily. Since i have learned of how money is used, spent, wasted, and given away. I have always wanted to know what could be done to fix such problems, and if there is any other group of people who feel the way i do about our governments wasted expenses.

Attempt 1: How much has greed, power, and persuasion affected the United State's government and its people, and what can the scheming behind the country's back be stopped?

How can the scheming that is wasting our taxpayers money be stopped within our governments wall?

Rich or poor, what is there to be done to stop our money from being given away to those who don't deserve it?

How much of the taxpayers dollars should be used on beneficial programs, and how much money really should be going into a retired governmental leader's pocket?

Rich or poor, how can we stop taxpayers money from being given away to young, retired, governmental leaders?

Taxpayers dollars. Is a large portion of it really being spent to help the government?

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Pensions and terms of service
Ridiculous pensions are given out to a lot of those with a government job. This semester i would like to discuss of how much money is wasted every year when government jobs receive more than what is owed. Much of taxpayers money goes towards these pensions. Government jobs only require small time lines of work. Afterwords, so much money is given to that individual that the money is almost wasted. Struggles will always continue to stop this because the law is on the governments side. Lawyers fight for their jobs and their pensions, and make it even harder to fight against if a lawyer can raise his or her pay just because they understand the law more than others.

Scheming that goes on in govt jobs
Much scheming is done within government walls. Even if those positions aren't major. People are always receiving bribes, acquiring illegal trade information, and finding legal but ridiculous ways to earn more money.

The working class of our economy has to work everyday to earn as much as one of these government positions. If someone who earns as much as a lawyer or senator decides to stop working. They would fall into economic struggles extremely quick if they did not have something to back them up. If someone such as a lawyer decided to retire at an early age after at least two years of working. They could stay that way for the rest of their life. 

The wealthier class who earns as much as a senator will have a much more difficult way or finding a way to retire at an early age. They must work to where they are at. Not as if a senator or someone similar does not have to work hard to earn their degree, but working for a long time does not have to be in their lives agenda. Much fighting and struggling occurs in today's economy, and a lot of us have to struggle to make sure we stay in the wealthy position we are in.
I do not know much about government jobs, but what i do know is that any governmental job that a person receives will receive a pension automatically once they are hired. In today's world. Economic struggles occur everywhere. Money is taken for ones own benefit. One of the biggest schemes that goes on in our government is pensions.

Once a government position is achieved by an individual. Automatically, an individual receives a pension for working their term limit. Many of those pensions are from one hundred thousand dollars to four hundred thousand dollars. For any individual who earns a position to earn a pension such as these. They may retire at an extremely early age. Some of the people in our country who are wealthy have to work everyday to earn the same as a governmental position. If an individual stops working, and used to work for the government. They do not have to worry about losing a job or stop working. However, if a person who works everyday for a non governmental position decides to stop working. They have no source of income.

Much of this money is wasted and could go to much better causes. Pensions should not be given to someone who works only two to four years. These pensions are given so often that retirement becomes so easy to those who receive them. Much of what goes on in government positions is still unknown to me. I do know that much trade scheming is done all of the time, and it does happen often when someone in a government position is caught, but it cannot be proven that it does happen all of the time. I also have no clue what is done to fight these problems. Much is talked of how people do fight against these government jobs and their payments, but it becomes extremely difficult when most of these government positions include lawyers. Much smack talk goes on behind peoples backs. What makes fighting this problem even more difficult is when the law is on the governments side.